Sunday, March 27, 2011

The cycle of things.

We should learn to enjoy the greens and yellows while they remain, and before they fade away. And they always do. Remain, that is. And for a lot longer than we recognize.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Umm, okay(?)

There has been quite a bit of time since the last post. It is about time that this changes. I need to redirect this blog so that it has a purpose.

Oh muse of purpose, I call upon thee! Bestow upon me the wisdom to see where my fingers should flee and allow them travel me there ever so nimbly. Please!!!!!!

Thanks for tuning in :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Even adults need playgrounds.

I think I can make this my home. Mentally, that is. Here I can play around. You know, do a little mental flips. I'll play until I build some muscle, at least enough to stand abreast of the best. There will be some changes, but that's expected. Sometimes flashy, sometimes subdued, but always true to the kid in me. Here, I can expand these walls and find that which makes one stronger. This is a crazy culture; I am a crazy kid. We'll work well together, I'm sure.